My Favorite Hiking Trails

Fields1941Grace_0060 Enjoying a PeachGrace hiking Ben Lomond Trailhead. I have enjoyed hiking every trail in and around Ogden.

Ben Lomond is 9,712 feet, the highest peak overlooking the Ogden area. From the summit, the Wasatch Range can be seen stretching 100 miles from the Idaho border to Salt Lake City.North side of Ben Lomond Peak.Grace hiking Ben LomondNope, I didn’t make it to the top, only half way 🙂29th Street & Waterfall Canyon Trail

29th Street and Waterfall Canyon Trails, where we hiked daily in the late afternoons, except Saturday’s when we arrived around 6:30 a.m. We called this trail the Loop.

Some of the other trails I hiked were, Beus Canyon, Birdsong Trail, Malan’s Peak, Waterfall Canyon, Indian Trail, Bonneville Shoreline Trail, Taylor’s Canyon, Mount Ogden, etc. We met a young man one day hiking up Waterfall Canyon who was from Nebraska. He said his dad called and asked when he was coming home. The young man said, “Dad, I’ve made Utah my home, Nebraska is ugly and Utah is beautiful. 🙂GondolaSnowbasin gondola half way up and then hiking the rest of the way up Mount Ogden.Mount Ogden BowlMount Ogden Bowl


Beautiful Wild Flowers

Mount Ogden from Snow Basin.






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